WiZ-Smart-Products IZ730199 Wiz Quest - 7.48 inch 10W LED Projector Lamp Matte Black Finish GFG88_V7492

$53.49  $34.70

Product details:

The multiple shades of warm to cool white offered by WiZ lights can brighten up the working space, energize your workout or business meeting and create a cozy atmosphere around the dining area. The direct internet access each WiZ light has lets you program scheduled events or activate vacation mode, even when you're thousands of miles away. Individual or group of lights can be easily controlled through your smartphone or Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Everyone from 3 to 80-years-old can enjoy the perfect simplicity of the ultimate light experience by using our Infrared remote control (sold separately). WiZ turns the Internet of Things into a tangible reality. If you already have some connected products like Nest Thermostat or Cam, WiZ can transform them in dynamic sensors to activate your lights when you enter a room. More than 60+ IFTTT applets are available with a one-click only connection of WiZ lights to your smart devices or any internet event. When your favorite team starts playing, your WiZ lights will cheer with you. Or an email from a loved one will trigger a special light tone so you know to check your phone, even if it's charging in another room. The WiZ app is already considered a critics darling on iOS and Android for both residential and commercial use.