iFi Audio Zen Can Desktop Headphone Amplifier LQC32_A6810

$149.00  $44.71

Product details:

The iFi ZEN CAN is a powerful, versatile headphone amp and a great value for the money. Whether you use it standalone or combine it with something like the ZEN DAC or ZEN Blue, it provides plenty of power for the biggest, hungriest headphones, and has a low noise floor while driving sensitive IEMs. While the ZEN CAN probably wont bring you inner peace, it is a great headphone amp to get you started on the path of high-end audio.

  • Class A discrete output buffer from the flagship Pro iCAN using Op-Amp (OV2637A)
  • FET input avoids loading volume control – low distortion/noise
  • SE inputs (1M Ohm) ensures loading of the source so always in Class A operation
  • Output amplifier gain of four steps in +6dB perfect for headphone matching